About Rayaheen Academy
A specialized platform for teaching Islamic Sharia and its sciences.
Quran coteries
Scheduled quranic coteries
The student participates in one episode, which allows him several meetings with the same teacher on specific dates during an entire month. There is a follow-up record that allows the teacher and student to view the following data.
Free coteries
Similar to international systems in direct education, the Utrujja system provides the ability for the teacher/sheikh to communicate directly with one student in a virtual room (audio and video) without being tied to a specific schedule.
Educational Academy
Learning Courses
You can publish different curricula as educational courses, which appear to the student in multiple images (single or combined), whether it is a video, audio, text, or image lesson. You can divide each curriculum into several levels, and each level into several lessons, through which the student can self-learn by passing Lesson questions, one lesson after another, moving to a test for each level, one level after another, until the final test of the curriculum is reached, after which one obtains a passing certificate automatically.
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Complementing the educational picture with the Utrujja system, it allows you to enjoy the live lecture service by having the lecturer meet with his students in a virtual educational environment, through which you can link the lectures to the curricula so that it can explain them.
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